Tales from the Lagoon ~ Episode- Wild Party with the Big Boys

Tales from the Lagoon ~ Wild Party with the Big Boys

The whipping wind and rough water seemed to make the dolphins extra playful today. They were rapid fire feeding with several pelicans in tow.

The party started with 2 dolphin and 2 pelicans. Word got out quickly and soon another dolphin joined along with 8 more pelicans.

All of the dolphins were flying out of the water often, especially one who was coming close to give me several photo opportunities. One one approach he Mae a last minute turn and I just missed his nose in the shot, but I loved his eye in the image.

I think they enjoyed the cool breeze wen they were out of the water, making it even more fun for them to fly.

Stay tuned for more tales!

The pelican and I were on the same page, We both thought he was going to the right. :)


Pippa Tales ~ Episode- Pippa takes a road trip


Honor how you feel