Trust your intuition
The breeze was chilly and invigorating this morning. As the sun came up it gave the ocean a kiss goodbye. The sun brings us a message from nature, reminding us the healing aspects of sunshine. The sun reminds us how nature can lift our spirits, boost our immune system, reduce stress and help us feel centered.
The flock of seagulls flew in as I was walking toward the ocean. It seems more have arrived to enjoy another Florida winter. Royal terns, sandpipers and ruddy turnstones joined in bath time. One of the seagulls said,”It’s important to wash under both wings, gotta get the bugs off both sides to feel balanced and of course squeaky clean.
Piper walked over to grab snacks at my feet bringing the message of discernment. She said, “You can trust yourself to know who you can approach to connect. Use your instincts, trust what they say and enjoy the rewards of your stellar intuition.”
Wishing you a beautiful day friends!