Even in sadness there will always be good in the world
With a cool breeze blowing the tops of the waves and cool temperatures, the morning felt like fall is visiting. The flock of seagulls flew in hot and chatty. I say split foot and a few others who have returned in the past few days.
I asked the seagulls their secret to life and they said, “We believe in keeping our wings and hearts open, even when it seems easier to close up.”
The warm sun came up filling the morning with golden light and hope for a new day. After sunrise Pip and Patches the Pelicans flew in as soon as I was in the river. Pip stayed for a while so we could catch up.
He said, “I was anxious and on edge about 6 days before the hurricane because I knew It was coming. Now I can relax and rebuild with food and rest.”
I said to him, “I could see you getting blown around in the wind, were you scared?” He said, “I didn’t have time to be afraid, I had to use all my energy to be in the moment, aware of all the elements and do what I could each moment to survive.”
On a personal note, I have lived in florida my whole life and have seen many storms.
What I appreciate about the storms is how they unify us. We hunker down together, we support each other, we are generous and helpful, we love unconditionally. Despite our differences, we come together with love, compassion and support. It’s truly a beautiful thing to witness.
"Even in sadness, There will Always be Good in the World.” ~ Roy Desjarlais
Wishing you a beautiful day friends!
Split foot is back!
Pip the pelican!