Move toward your destiny

The beautiful full moon was setting as the sun was coming up from behind a wall of clouds. The sun was radiating gorgeous golden light beams from behind the mountain shaped clouds, filling the air with a vibe of love and light. The color show stayed simple, with just a splash of gold and pink.

Pelican Highway traffic was light flying closer to the moon than the sun. The flock of seagulls came in just as the sun was peeking through the clouds.

The message today comes from the full moon called the Snow Moon. This full moon is positioned in the sky in a place that asks us to follow what is inspiring and energizing.

The moon is asking us to celebrate our playful and creative side helping us to expand our heart. It reminds us we have the courage and skills necessary to move forward toward our destiny.

Wishing you a creative day!

Snow moon setting over the river

Snow moon high in the sky

Full moon through the sea oats.


Harness your passion to soar


Trust comes from within