Trust comes from within

As I walked to the beach I could see the sky was filled with fluffy cotton ball clouds floating across the sky surrounded by soft pastel brush strokes. The sun came up from behind the cloud puffs streaming golden light and warmth. The vibe of the morning was one of hope and serenity.

The very chatty flock flew on time to enjoy our daily debugging. A few skimmers, a solo egret and a flock of sandpipers joined us.

A skimmer brings us the message of the day. Skimmers are pretty shy birds. As I gently got a little closer, instead of running or flying away, the skimmer looked right at me and spread his wings.

He said, “Allowing others to get close comes from trusting ourselves, not the other person or bird. You see, it’s about tuning in and listening to know who we can trust.”

I am always honored when they allow me to hang, connect and photograph their sweet souls. Wishing you a beautiful day with sweet connections.


Flock of pipers

Flock of seagulls with a solo egret


Move toward your destiny


Use your intuition to know what is real