Now is the time to take action

With whipping wind and a churning ocean, the energy was invigorating. The flock of seagulls flew in and used the wind to hang in place. The pre sunrise sky filled with a vibrant and intense pink.

To the west a swirly pink portal looking cloud appeared. Maybe I watched too much Star Trek as a kid but it felt like an opening streaming positive energy through it. Ahhhh, soaking good vibrations is good for the soul.

An osprey caught breakfast, then flew by to show off her fish. She said, “Now is the time to take action. Let it be ok if it doesn’t work out perfectly, just keep flying forward. Not to worry, the way in which things unfold is always purposeful. When you catch your goal, take time to celebrate! The energy of celebration attracts more celebratory energy.”

Wishing you a groovy day friends!


Tales from the lagoon~ Episode- Show me your belly


Tales from the Lagoon~ Episode- Quality time together