Tales from the lagoon~ Episode- Show me your belly

Tales from the Lagoon- Episode- Show Me Your Belly!

It's the time of year when the babies and young dolphin show up. The moms and other adults are teaching them all kinds of techniques.

Today the lesson was tail slapping, a helpful technique used to help catch fish. Today the mom smacked her tail probably 10 times before this youngin' followed her lead and smacked his tail! It felt like the adult dolphins and myself all cheered for this little nugget learning his new skill.

Often I 'll say to the dolphins, "Show me your belly!" This little nugget came around to to check out the camera a few times, with the supervision of his momma. When he passing by I said, "Show me your belly." And he popped out of the water!

Seeing their belly can let us know the gender. He's not fully out of the water, but I'm leaning toward a male. Males have an exclamation point on their belly ( 1 long line and one short)

and females have a division sign. ( 1 long line and 2 short on each side of the long line)

Whether male of female, so much fun to spend time with this nugget.

Stay tuned for ore tales!

PS~. More tales and sunrise posts…just click the previous posts to see more.

Adult and the kiddo

Momma kickin’ it next to baby



Rainy day Rainbows


Now is the time to take action