Shake off the stress and tension

With a cool breeze the morning felt refreshing. The wind was blowing the top of the waves sending a salty spray into the air. The swirly clouds soaked up a variety of colors adding to the breathtaking beauty.

A chatty flock of gulls flew in at their usual time, circling around the sun. We headed into the ocean for our usual bath time. One of the gulls gave her self and a good shake then lifted up out of the water in perfect form.

She said, “I’m here to encourage giving yourself a good shake. You see dogs and birds know the power of a good shake, the kind that gets your feathers fluffy and makes the bugs go flying.”

“Once you shake off the stress and tension you can lift up light and airy looking and feeling like a graceful dancer. Join me in letting go, we can lift up together.”

Wishing you a beautiful day friends!


Snuggles and hugs keep your immune system strong


Tales from the Lagoon ~ Episode - Communication with Wildlife