Tales from the Lagoon ~ Episode - Communication with Wildlife
Tales from the Lagoon ~ Episode - Communication with Wildlife
If you don’t know my background, I’ve been using a from of therapy in my mental health private practice called CranioSacral Therapy since 2005. It’s a form of light therapeutic touch that assists the body in letting go of trauma and calms the nervous system.
When I get in the water I use my therapeutic skills to tune into the lagoon. If you see me with my hands out it’s not an attempt to pet or touch, it’s one of the ways I communicate or send energy.
On Thursday I spent 3 hours with a solo dolphin who had a fresh shark bite along with a second bite that looked older. I recognized this dolphin from April 2021 when he came in with the first bite.
I’m pretty sure it’s the same dolphin but if not, the experience was the same. I always ask permission first. I asked Maximus, named in 2021, if I could send him healing energy to the wound. Dolphins are very good healers so I wasn’t sure he would want help. After I asked, he swam close and I took that as a yes.
3 hours we spent together with healing energy. It was a sweet and lovely time together.
Friday when I got in the water, he was in the lagoon alone again. I said, “Good Morning, how are you?” Within a minute he swam right over really, really close a few times then went off to relax in the deeper water. I took this as a greeting and his way of showing me his energy was better!
The same thing happened in 2021 with this dolphin. I saw the first bite, asked if I could help and got a yes. After a bit of time passed I said, “If this is helpful can you give me a sign?”
He came in super close and out of the water. I thought, I‘ll move and give him some space to eat. When I walked to the right, he followed on my left side, swam in front of me and came straight out of the water with a fish. I took this as him saying, "Yes that was helpful.”
I experience the same energy from them when I feel their echolocation. When it comes toward me it can help shift my mood or help my head clear. It’s truly an honor to hang with these wonderful Beings.
Stay tuned for more tales!
Using my hand to communicate