Tales from the lagoon ~episode-An invitation from a momma dolphin
Tales from the Lagoon ~ Episode - Getting to know a Momma with a Split Dorsal Fin
I’ve seen this momma with a split dorsal fin for several months now. She has a calf with her which is how I know she is a mom. Until yesterday we haven’t spent much time together, so when she came into the lagoon, I stayed on the periphery to give her space.
After about 15 minutes she swam over to me and circled a few feet away. I said, “Hello Momma! Thank you for the invitation to connect.” My camera battery was dying so I did a quick change and when I got back in the water, with her permission, I stood closer to the docks where they sometimes grab fish.
A few minutes later she came up again and swam by. I greeted her again and said Hi Momma! Thank you for connecting.
She came over again jumped out of the water then while keeping head up for about a minute swam over to me with her fish showing off her teeth and fish. Much to my surprise her calf popped up next to her.
Her injury is most likely from a boat strike. Many people think dolphins don't get hit by boats, but if they are chasing a baby they can be hit and I've heard if they are immersed in romance they may be distracted and hit by a boat.
Baby dolphins can't echolocate right away which is why they are usually with several dolphins. It's a lot like a toddler who is learning to walk and running all over the house putting fingers in light sockets. Chasing the baby dolphins is like chasing a toddler and can sometimes put them in harms way.
Despite her injury, she is a great fishergirl and very athletic. She is a sweet mom too always close to her calf, is patient and affectionate. Truly an honor to get to know this beautiful mom.
Stayed tuned for more tales!
momma got a fish and brought it over for me to photograph
Can you hear her saying, “Are you getting this?”
Momma with her calf on her left saying, “Did you get the pics?”