Tales from the lagoon ~ Episode- Pippa comes to rest
Tales from the Lagoon ~ Episode - Pippa Comes to Rest
Hi Everyone! It’s me Pippa the Pelican again. I flew in yesterday to say hi to my Hooman bestie. She was in her usual place in the water so I sauntered over to her and she knew I didn’t feel well. I told her the wind was making me really tired so we went to the beaching the sun out of the wind for a nap.
Ahhhh, the sun and sheltered from the wind was perfect. As I was relaxing, a blue heron came flying in all discombobulated. You know those tall lanky birds with attitude? He came in flustered, landed near by, gave himself a good shake, you know the really good kind of shake where your whole body feels invigorated, and your feathers go all crazy for a minute.
Shelley and I sat on the beach for a long while until I felt better. She was able to snap a few dolphin photos from the beach while I pooped 7 times which made me feel way better. I guess that saying, “Better out than in” is true!
Shelley says, “Stay tuned for more tales!”