Turn your resistance into a resource

Brrrrrrrr, it was a moist, windy and cold day for sunny Florida but that didn’t stop the birds from coming to hang out. The sun stayed hidden behind the fluffy moody bluesy clouds keeping the vibe cozy.

All the birds were chatting when they flew in hot. They were darting off in a flash, then back as quick as they left, bringing the message of spontaneity. Be open to quick changes and adventures.

I chatted with them about my struggle to embrace the wind and they said, “We know how to use the wind to keep us in place with little effort. We highly recommend turning your resistance into a resource. Remember what you resist, persists.”

Patches the pelican flew in after sunrise to say good morning. As she floated in with her wings wide she said, “Like the gulls, I’m here to encourage going with the flow, use all your resources to make life easier.”

Wishing you a beautiful day friends!


Ever heard a pelican talk?


Quick connections feed the soul